5 Year Warranty
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Commercial Roofing
Innovative Commercial Low-Slope Roofing
Commercial Low Slope Membrane Re-Cover
Residential Roofing
1. General
ARCA offers a five (5) year term workmanship warranty against actual roof leaks for low-slope, steep -slope and architectural standing seam metal roofing for both residential and commercial roofing projects installed by Alberta Roofing Contractors Association contractor members within the Province of Alberta.
Five (5) year Warranty Certificate issuance is restricted to projects that contain roofing systems and materials that are approved by ARCA when applied in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Roofing Application Standards Manual.
Warranty Certificate issuance for both new and re-roofing projects will only be issued when specified or requested by the building owner. The warranty fee is calculated as a percentage of the final contract price based on the ARCA Trade Definitions. Minimum warranty fees apply. Under the terms of the warranty the roofing contractor of record is responsible, at no cost to the building owner, for the repair of workmanship related defects or leaks for year’s one (1) and two (2) of the warranty term. Full coverage is provided by ARCA in the instance that the ARCA contractor is unable or unwilling to carry out their responsibilities under the terms of the warranty, except when the Warranty Certificate is issued for Innovative Roofing Products. For details please see Section 3.0 – Innovative Commercial Low-Slope Roofing.
ARCA is responsible for the repair of workmanship related defects causing leaks at no cost to the building owner during year’s three (3) through five (5) of the warranty term, except for Warranty Certificate projects containing innovative roofing products.
Written claims shall be submitted directly to ARCA in accordance with our Consumer Warranty Claim Procedure found on the ARCA website.
2. Commercial Roofing
Unless defined as residential roofing, new and re-roofing projects under contract to ARCA contractor members are considered commercial roofing projects.
A Five (5) year commercial Warranty Certificate is available for accepted low-slope, steep-slope and architectural standing seam metal roofing systems.
Inspection of the roofing system during application, by an owner paid independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector, is mandatory for commercial roofing projects.
A second anniversary inspection and written report by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector is provided for in the warranty fee. A copy of the report is provided to the building owner.
3. Innovative Commercial Low-Slope Roofing
Effective May 1, 2009, eligible ARCA membrane manufacturers and sponsoring ARCA contractor members may offer roofing consumers a five (5) year low-slope Warranty Certificate for new or innovative commercial roofing being introduced into the Alberta market.
The warranty permits eligible manufacturers to apply unproven low-slope materials under the direct supervision of our Technical Committee when accepted under the program. Warranty responsibilities are shared between the membrane manufacturer, the ARCA member contractor and ARCA.
Inspection of the roofing system by an ARCA accepted independent roofing inspector is mandatory during application.
A second anniversary inspection and written report by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector is provided for in the warranty fee. A copy of the report will be provided to the building owner.
ARCA guarantees full coverage of contractor’s repairs occurring during year’s one (1) and two (2) of the warranty term in the instance that the roofing contractor is unable or unwilling to carry out their responsibilities under the terms of the warranty.
ARCA will assume no warranty responsibility in the event that the material manufacturer is unwilling or unable to fulfill their commitments under the terms of the warranty agreement.
4. Commercial Low-Slope Membrane Re-Cover
Effective June 25, 2020, ARCA contractor members may offer roofing customers a five (5) year ARCA Membrane Re-Cover Warranty Certificate when recovering an existing modified bituminous roof constructed by an ARCA Contractor in accordance with ARCA Roofing Application Standards and obtaining an ARCA Warranty Certificate.
The warranty permits contractors to thermally fuse a new modified bituminous cap sheet over an existing modified bituminous system to extend the lifecycle of the roofing assembly.
Inspection of the roofing system during application, by an owner paid independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector, is mandatory for commercial roofing projects.
A second anniversary inspection and written report by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector is provided for in the warranty fee. A copy of the report is provided to the building owner.
5. Residential Roofing
For the Warranty Certificate program, residential roofing is defined as owner occupied private dwellings with a total finished roof area not exceeding 372m2 (4000 ft2 ) including garages, carports and out-buildings, located on the same site and under one (1) contract to an ARCA contractor member.
Residences larger than 4000 ft2 squares are considered commercial roofing and must comply with the commercial roofing requirements. See Section 2.0 – Commercial Roofing for details.
Accepted low-slope, steep-slope and architectural standing seam metal roofing systems qualify for the Residential Five (5) Year Warranty Certificate Program.
For steep-slope and architectural metal roofing, a final inspection and written report is completed by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector prior to warranty issuance.
For residential low-slope roofing projects a second anniversary inspection and written report is completed by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector and is provided for in the warranty fee. A copy of the report is provided to the building owner.
Additional quality assurance inspections can be provided by an independent ARCA accepted roofing inspector at the owner’s expense.
Warranty Overview
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