Architectural Standing Seam Details: Gable End Flashing Scope of Roofing by Rooferunderlayment membranesheet metal gable flashingJ-channelmetal panel with pan fold edgeSuggested Detail by Othersaccepted deckgable end fasciaArchitectural Standing Seam Details: Alternate Valley Flashing← PreviousArchitectural Standing Seam Details: Canopy Knee FlashingNext →Quick Links: Architectural Standing Seam DetailsEave FlashingAlternate Eave FlashingRidge/Hip Cap FlashingAlternate Ridge/Hip Cap FlashingValley FlashingAlternate Valley FlashingGable End FlashingCanopy Knee FlashingRoof/Wall FlashingRoof/Wall Rake FlashingRoof CurbCircular Vent Pipe